COVID-19 safe Halloween

12 October 2020, 15:14

While some communities have cancelled Halloween this year, others discourage traditional trick or treating. So what are your options to make this a safe holiday for everyone.

1. Create a candy chute

Photo Source Fox 13 Tampa Bay   

Just add any kind of chute at least 6 foot long and send your candy flyng to kids at the other end. You can purchase PVC pipe to make your candy chute, but also think of other materials you may have already around the house such connecting multiiple wrapping paper innertubes or even gutters or down spouts -- just make sure that they are cleaned thoroughly! 

2. Grab and go. Keep the kids on the sidewalk and place a table of goodies for kids to take.

3. Create a candy graveyard. Drop individual candy bags throughout your yard making it also fun with a scavenger hunt

Photo source Oriental Trading  

4. Consider giving out trinkets (temporary tattoos, crayons, etc…) instead of candy. This reduces the number of things that kids touch and put in their mouths.

5. Be comfortable. If you don’t feel comfortable interacting with people on Halloween, turn off your lights and/or add a note on your door. No one will blame you for skipping this holiday in 2020.

Also check out our guide, Eco-friendly Halloween Decorations.  

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